Star Wars Combine is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars Universe, developed by amateurs in their spare time. This sentence remembers the concept behind this project, and great care must be taken with each and every word.
The Star Wars Combine is an online game. Its purpose is to bring fun to the players by offering them a universe that they may immerse themselves in and forget, for a while, their real lives.
The Star Wars Combine is massive. Its purpose is to welcome and gather thousands of players inside the same game, creating an extremely rich gaming environment. The multitude of players generates an unlimited quantity of interactions between them.
The Star Wars Combine is about role-playing. When playing the Combine, the end-users are not only playing an avatar inside the universe; but also they are investing a part of themselves into what they would dream to be if they were living in the Star Wars universe.
The Star Wars Combine is a simulation. A simulation is the partial implementation of existing mechanisms, from physics to economy, including politics, engineering, logic, and even socialization.
The Combine is about Star Wars. The Combine is developed by Star Wars fans, for Star Wars fans. The purpose is to provide a Star Wars universe where fans may dream.
The Star Wars Combine is a free game. Free for the end-users, free for the players, but this does not mean the Combine does not have to face financial charges. There are costs associated to such a project: financial costs as well as time investments.
Finally, the Combine is developed by amateurs during their spare time. The entire project is only developed as side activity by some Star Wars fans. This particularity will have to be taken into consideration during the development phase.
The Combine is a free online massively role-playing simulation game, based in the Star Wars universe, developed by amateurs in their spare time. This sentence already generated a full page of concepts. However there is more behind the Combine. Many other concepts derive directly from what sounded like a simple sentence at first.